Life in Life Scientific…
This month we’re starting to see more evidence of getting back to business both in Life Scientific and further afield. Travel to our offices in different countries has resumed for colleagues and Life Scientific welcomed an ISO auditor on site. We’re pleased to report it went well!
CropTec is back for 2021 and we are excited to announce that we will be exhibiting there again at the East of England Showground on November 24th and 25th.
If you want to find out how cutting-edge R&D is bringing better quality off-patent crop protection products to market, come and speak to us at the show, we’ll be in Hall 1.
There will be an opportunity to talk to the team and take part in our Tombola!
We look forward to seeing you there
Product News
Historically seed treatments provided good protection from Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). Now that those treatments are gone, we are relying on cultural control methods and pyrethroid insecticides such as Lambdastar.
Lambdastar, our reverse engineered Hallmark Zeon containing 100g/l lambda-cyhalothrin should be applied to target second generation aphids as these are likely to move away from the plant originally colonised. Use a BYDV management tool or the 170 day degree model to ensure accurate timing. For best application technique, if using the product alone rather than in a fungicide or herbicide mix, use with a non-organo-silicone non-ionic wetter to get maximum efficacy.
Total dose of Lambdastar approved on wheat and barley crops is 200ml used before late milk stage GS 77 and an individual dose of 50ml/ha.
For more product information visit the website:
Early Weed Control In Cereals
With a large acreage of wheat still to drill, particularly in areas with high black-grass populations, considerations turn to early weed control and which herbicide options to choose.
Firestarter contains 400g/l flufenacet and 100g/l diflufenican and is a reverse engineered Liberator. Firestarter has a proven track record for efficacy equivalence and reliable performance.

Firestarter can be used pre or post emergence in both winter wheat or barley crops at 0.6 l/ha up to 31st March in the year of harvest (GS23).
As flufenacet is currently the strongest active against black-grass control it should be an essential ingredient in any grass weed control programme. With black-grass control there is very little room for error, so it’s important to know that the products being applied in the programme are proven and effective.
Replicated field trials have been carried out over the last three years by the team at Prime Crop Research Ltd in order to demonstrate the efficacy and crop safety of Firestarter when used alone and as part of a programme with other herbicides.
The bar chart above shows the percentage of black-grass seed head reduction at three different trial sites over the last three years.
When Firestarter is used in a mixture with Avadex, trials show a 95.6% reduction in black-grass head numbers.
Firestarter also controls a number of other weeds both at pre and post emergence.